Sunday, July 5, 2015

I am Giving Up!

Sodas that is. I am giving up sodas. About 2 weeks ago I got back on the bandwagon.  I got up and walked every morning, did weights when I got home, recorded what I ate... and lost about 3 pounds!

Then.. I did something to my neck. Nothing that required the dr..but enough to make me stop in my tracks of anything I was doing. No extra walking this week, no weights.. and it is a holiday weekend so lots of not so great eating.

Next week begins my week 3 weeks of traveling. Which means being on the road and not always making the best choices...but I am preparing. Hence.. giving up the sodas!

How I plan to be successful:
-exchange soda for unsweetened tea
-pack my workout clothes and hit the hotel gyms to get my day started
-record what I eat (EVERYTHING)
-be prepared for the caffeine headaches that are going to go along with giving up the soda

Heres to a great July! My goal is to be down 15 pounds by the time school starts!