Sunday, July 12, 2020

Trying to Grow

Hello Fabulous Friends... or those that follow these sporadic "healthy" posts.  Here we are almost 5 months in to this super weird crazy time.  My main blog I shared about my word of the year (you can find it here) Many people choose their word of the year in January with the new year, but me being in education- my years are June-June.

A little background on me:
-I just turned 40!
-I am a middle school librarian
-I am married to a classically trained Executive Chef
-We have one dog (an Australian shepherd named Jax)
-I am super involved in the community- I run Destination ImagiNation teams, I have a Girl Scout troop, I run lots of different clubs at school (all of these things are on hold right now..except Girl Scouts- we meet virtually!)
-I do Camp Gladiator
-I love social media- (I am on TikTok, Twitter, and have 3 different Instagram accounts- my health journey is here @healthyakbusybee
-I love a good glass of wine!
-I LOVE fast food (especially McDonald's!)
I post WAY more on Instagram about all that I am doing to try to grow and get more physically healthy.

At the end of June I went in for my well woman visit.  Everything is fine, but she did say that my triglycerides and cholesterol were a little high.  I also know that I am overweight and not getting any younger.  Although I have known these for awhile.. this is the first time my doctor has told me she wants to see me again in 3 months for some updated bloodwork to see where those levels are.  That was the kick in the butt that I needed to GROW!

I joined Weight Watchers again (I did Weight Watchers probably 18 years ago and was super successful.. I am not for sure why I stopped)  Made some goals for myself.. and have been posting on social media for accountability!

So far I am down 4.8 pounds. I weigh in on Mondays.. and other than that I have stayed off the scale.  I am currently working from home, but I am still doing weekly meal preps for breakfast and lunch.  I have enjoyed walking (and have listened to so many audiobooks.. and my new favorite podcast Crime Junkies!)

Growing isn't easy or fast.. and I know that this will not be easy or fast either.  I hope to instill some better healthy habits in this growing. I don't know how often I post here.. but hopefully I will start sharing some of my favorite recipes that I am learned.. and some of my positives and failures (because we are real people.. right? 

Whatever journey you are on, I hope that it finds you well! I can't wait to Grow this year both mentally and physicall!

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